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Osteopathy is most commonly used to treat some of the following conditions and injuries:


 chronic knee, shoulder, low back or neck pains

 asthma or other respiratory problems

 headaches and migraines

 PMS or menstrual pains

 problems with coordination due to injuries or trauma (such as car accidents, falls etc.)

 digestive problems (such as constipation or acid reflux)

● cardiovascular problems

● kidney disease

 degenerative joint diseases

Masayama osteopathy treatment
Masayama osteopathy treatment

Osteopathy is a drug-free, non-invasive manual therapy that uses subtle and gentle adjustments to relive muscle tension and improve joint mobility by techniques such as stretching, pressure and mobilization. Osteopathy focuses on how the skeleton, muscles, joints, nerves, circulation, connective tissue and internal organs function, not just the injured or affected part.

Osteopathy aims to restore function in the body by treating the causes of pain and imbalance.

What is osteopathy and how does it work? 

What is osteopathy used for? 

Masayama osteopathy treatment

What should you expect?

During your first appointment, your practitioner will get a thorough understanding of your case history and may perform a motion test or other necessary neurological or orthopedic test and judge whether it is safe to use particular osteopathic techniques with you or whether the treatment is appropriate.


The osteopath will first look for blockages and tensions throughout your body.  The manipulation is gentle and it is designed to relax tight areas and help restore normal motion to stiff joints. Wearing loose fitting, comfortable clothing during the treatment is highly recommended.

Most people immediately feel better after a treatment, but some may feel a bit sore after their first time. This can feel similar to post-exercise soreness so try to rest and allow your body the necessary time to heal properly.

Masayama osteopathy treatment
Masayama osteopathy treatment
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